In the Alps, in his home valley of Chamonix, you will find Jarmo guiding and working. The Chamonix Valley is always a good starting point for any Alpine trip. La Grave is one of the must visit places and holds good memories for Jarmo. He has extensive knowledge of the area. There is also a hidden gem in the next valley north of La Grave, called the Maurienne valley. Jarmo regularly works there on more exclusive trips as well as for other mountain guides. From Chamonix he also frequently guides in the nearby Swiss and Italian Alps. Chamonix is located at the junction of three countries and with such easy access it would be a shame not make the most of this location.
Spring time trips to Northern Norway are in Jarmo’s traveling schedule every year. It is a perfect location to go skiing and ski touring in pure nature. The Arctic sea meets the mountains and creates a magical place to ski and be immersed in. It is this feeling that Jarmo wants to share with his clients.
Pure and clean nature is the reason why Jarmo offers mountain biking trips in Lapland Finland. The nature in Lapland is so different from anywhere else. It’s hard to describe. The summer is so bright because of the midnight sun. The daylight is more blue than it is in the Alps. The nature and air are the cleanest in the world, and you don’t need to make much effort to be completely alone in a middle of nowhere. It is special.

Gran Paradiso, Italy